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High-Quality Products From a Proud Family-Owned Company

Fortress Floors Virginia is a family-owned company providing concrete floor covering services to customers in Central Virginia and surrounding areas.  We pride ourselves on customer service and expert installation.  Our residential, commercial and industrial clients trust us for our professionalism, attention to detail and commitment to superior products.  Our floor coating product has been tested in the most extreme weather conditions and is made in America.  We back that up with a 15-year, transferable residential warranty.  For a beautiful and durable concrete surface, there is no better option.  We’ve got you covered.

Contact Us

blue car in garage

You Can Expect Superior Customer Service From Our Team

The Ledlie family started Fortress Floors Virginia to serve communities throughout Virginia with a versatile concrete coating product.  We are a Veteran and First-Responder run company that emphasizes professionalism, expert installation, and customer service.  We are the exclusive installer of the Fortress Coatings concrete coatings system.  This product was developed and tested in the harshest of climates and is installed throughout the United States. Its strength compared to traditional epoxy floors helps it withstand the wear and tear of various environments – from residential garage floors, pool decks and patios to high-traffic warehouses and industrial spaces.  Our product has unlimited applications and is 100% UV Stable, allowing it to be installed both indoors and outside, making it the best option for protecting your concrete surfaces.


Our concrete flooring options are available in over twenty–five core and premium color options. Looking for a unique color?  Ask about our custom colors.  Choose the right concrete flooring color to match your space and design.


Most concrete floors can be installed in as little as one day. As a local leader, you can always trust us to arrive at your home or business on time. Our professionals have years of experience working with high-quality materials.


We follow a thorough preparation process to ensure proper adhesion to your floors. Our team uses high-quality products and the right equipment for long-lasting, durable results that look fantastic.  We back that up with a 15-year transferable residential warranty.

The Best in Concrete Coatings Solutions

We are the exclusive installers of Fortress Coatings in Central Virginia and surrounding communities.  Our system is 4x stronger than traditional epoxy coatings and we back that up with a 15-year transferable residential warranty.  Our experience means we know what we are doing and can handle residential, commercial and the most complex industrial project. Our professionalism guarantees you will always feel like family when you work with our team. No matter what you need from our team, you can count on an unparalleled experience.

Protect Your Space

Your Concrete Coatings Installation Specialists