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Protect Your Concrete With Floor Coatings

Your garage, basement, or warehouse space doesn’t have to be dull and uninviting. Bring some color to your concrete floors with durable floor coatings. At Fortress Floors Virginia, we have the solution brighten up and protect your space. We use a chip coating system with a polyaspartic clear coat to seal and protect your concrete slab for up to 15 years. You can choose from 26 standard and premium colors, giving you the ability to match your current décor. Our team is highly skilled at applying this floor coating in homes, warehouses, restaurants, and industrial spaces across Central Virginia and surrounding areas. Call us today to discuss your flooring project.


What You Can Expect From the Installation Process

We are a certified industrial coatings dealer. You can use our coatings in various residential and commercial spaces, including garages, basements, showrooms, and hospitals. We complete the process in six easy steps:

  • Step 1: Preparation – We’ll prep your area by diamond grinding your floor to ensure a scratch pattern that allows superior adhesion. We minimize dust with specialized vacuums attached to each grinder during this process.
  • Step 2: Concrete reconstruction – Next, our team fixes and fills any pits, cracks, or broken edges in the concrete surface before we begin applying the Polyurea foundation coating.
  • Step 3: Basecoat – Once we prepare the floor’s existing surface, we mix and apply a self-priming and pure polyurea basecoat.
  • Step 4: Broadcasting the chip – Immediately after we apply the basecoat, we evenly broadcast the chip material by hand over the surface of the floor, providing color and texture.
  • Step 5: Scraping the chip – After a curing period, we scrape and vacuum to remove loose or vertical-standing flakes.
  • Step 6: Clear coat – We’ll finish the job by rolling the UV stable, polyaspartic clear coat over the top of the flakes to seal the coating.

We Offer a Comprehensive Free Estimate

Are you ready to enhance your garage, basement, or commercial space? If so, we’re prepared to help. Our team can visit your home or business to explain our services, assess the area, and give you a detailed quote. Our estimate services are free and always stay within the quoted range throughout the project. You can trust us to get the job done. Contact us today to schedule your free estimate.

Protect Your Space

Your Concrete Coatings Installation Specialists